About this site...

I have had a life threatening illness for seven years. It has brought me down. It has taken most of what I own. I am in debt. Yet, I still see the good in life. Take a look at life through my eyes. There is something wonderful to see everyday, if we stop to look.

About the author...

My name is Steve. My friends call me SOwens. I am a Cushing's Disease survivor. I have fought this disease for years. On January 30th, 2009 I had a radical surgery bilateral adrenalectomy (BLA) in the attempt to cure it. This is my day to day struggle to recover and win. My goal is to tell my story the only way I know how, from the heart.

Now I lay me down to sleep...

It was a nice hospital, as far as hospitals go. Elmbrook Memorial is a small Catholic hospital in Brookfield, Wisconsin. The one common theme is everyone is nice. Everyone seems to care and no one is afraid to take your hand and hold it if they think you need it. Being the chicken I am about having surgery, I must have needed it a lot.

There was a lot of privacy to each step in the pre surgery move through the system here. Private rooms with real doors were top on the list. A good place to hide your face when you start those pre surgery prayer marathons. They all seem to end with "Lord, just see me safe through to the other side." I think in all my prayers, I forgot to ask for a cure. I covered the basics. Like "let me wake up" and "no complications" but I forgot to ask for that cure! Real smart move.

Soon the doctor's were filing in and out. The one common thing is they grabbed my hand and told me how they were going to keep me safe for my kids. I guess my prayers were being answered pretty fast that day. No real talk of cures, guess we will just expect that those are a given. A quick shot of goofey juice, a kiss for my lovely wife and it was lights out. All I remember is starting that last prayer...now I lay me down to sleep. Then, nothing...


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