Stress Dosing...
Here is my instructions from a Doctor on stress dosing. Your doctor should be able to help you find the right dose for you for illness/healthy living. The key is working with your doctors. ;p
The letter goes on about other emergency things. MD Anderson Endo's reinforced the same method into us after Pituitary Surgery. Dr Chiang did the same after the BLA. I keep seeing people talking or recommending super low doses of cortef both as a daily dose and stress dosing. It frankly scares me. The whole idea is to stay out of an adrenal insufficiency event before it can happen. I think I would rather be safe and take the extra for the days it is needed than play around. That AI can sneak up on you before you realize it.
I think it is important to work with your doctors on dosing. The fact is everyone is different on the amounts they need. If your doctors don't seem smart about it, I don't really know what to say.
Minor Stress:Low Grade Fever (less than 101)
Viral Illness such as upper respiratory/bronchitis
Dental Extraction
Minor Trauma
Double your current dose for 3 days
Major Stress:Fever over 101
Serious Infection (ie: Pneumonia)
Triple your current dose for 3 days
The letter goes on about other emergency things. MD Anderson Endo's reinforced the same method into us after Pituitary Surgery. Dr Chiang did the same after the BLA. I keep seeing people talking or recommending super low doses of cortef both as a daily dose and stress dosing. It frankly scares me. The whole idea is to stay out of an adrenal insufficiency event before it can happen. I think I would rather be safe and take the extra for the days it is needed than play around. That AI can sneak up on you before you realize it.
I think it is important to work with your doctors on dosing. The fact is everyone is different on the amounts they need. If your doctors don't seem smart about it, I don't really know what to say.
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