About this site...

I have had a life threatening illness for seven years. It has brought me down. It has taken most of what I own. I am in debt. Yet, I still see the good in life. Take a look at life through my eyes. There is something wonderful to see everyday, if we stop to look.

About the author...

My name is Steve. My friends call me SOwens. I am a Cushing's Disease survivor. I have fought this disease for years. On January 30th, 2009 I had a radical surgery bilateral adrenalectomy (BLA) in the attempt to cure it. This is my day to day struggle to recover and win. My goal is to tell my story the only way I know how, from the heart.

Stress Dosing...

Here is my instructions from a Doctor on stress dosing. Your doctor should be able to help you find the right dose for you for illness/healthy living. The key is working with your doctors. ;p

Minor Stress:

Low Grade Fever (less than 101)
Viral Illness such as upper respiratory/bronchitis
Dental Extraction
Minor Trauma

Double your current dose for 3 days

Major Stress:

Fever over 101
Serious Infection (ie: Pneumonia)

Triple your current dose for 3 days

The letter goes on about other emergency things. MD Anderson Endo's reinforced the same method into us after Pituitary Surgery. Dr Chiang did the same after the BLA. I keep seeing people talking or recommending super low doses of cortef both as a daily dose and stress dosing. It frankly scares me. The whole idea is to stay out of an adrenal insufficiency event before it can happen. I think I would rather be safe and take the extra for the days it is needed than play around. That AI can sneak up on you before you realize it.

I think it is important to work with your doctors on dosing. The fact is everyone is different on the amounts they need. If your doctors don't seem smart about it, I don't really know what to say.


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